Performance and Engagement
You can have the best framework, strategy and plans in the world, but if you don’t have the hearts and minds of the people engaged, none of it comes to life.
By understanding how our brains work and applying the latest key principles of Neuroscience, behavioural science and experience, we can help to transform disengaged and underperforming teams to engage, productive and effective teams.
We train your people about the fundamentals of performance management and how best to manage staff in order to increase productivity, engagement and team morale. It incorporates best practice principles in managing performance and improving performance and, where appropriate, can incorporate the public sector frameworks and guidelines.
01Coaching Culture Leadership
This is a pioneering, practical, neuroscience-based, highly interactive 1-day Coaching Conversations training program to develop Coaching Conversations skills for leaders.
The main objectives of the day are to Develop Coaching Conversations leadership skills in each individual and across the team in general. It will give the team a common language to improve leadership, teamwork, understanding, relationships and engagement.
Some of the elements of this "bloody brilliant" Brain-based Coaching Conversations Leadership Training are:
- Understand how your brain works to coach and lead more effectively
- Learn and practice the T.O.A.D. whole-brain coaching approach. T.O.A.D. is a unique coaching model for bringing a coaching culture in everyday leadership.
- Brain-based coaching for solutions, insight, empowerment and improved thinking
- Coaching considerations: brain-based social motivators
- Practice and more!
This is a 1-day overview version of our innovative Coaching Conversations Leadership Development Training Program, and is part of our integrated neuroscience-based NeuroT.R.E.A.D.™ Leadership Development Program (T.R.E.A.D. = Think, Regulate & Renew, Engage, Adapt and Develop with the brain in mind).
The NeuroT.R.E.A.D.™ program can be anything from a 1-hour keynote overview to a multi-day, multi-discipline program spread over up to 12 months. Each T.R.E.A.D. element can be delivered over one-two full days (depending on depth of knowledge and experience needed) with people deeply immersed in each of the five T.R.E.A.D. facets.
01Conflict Resolution -
Dealing with Difficult People
Our Managing Conflict - Dealing with Difficult People Training offers best practice conflict management solutions, practical tools, tips, methods and frameworks that actually work in the real world.
We have run this training for a wide range of teams, with different scenarios from front line client / counter / customer service staff to field operatives in a range of roles.
The training equips participants to be proactive and constructive when and before problems arise.
This program is proven to get results for participants experiencing situations such as the following:
- Teams and individuals working in a high pressure environment with very challenging client service / customer facing roles, both counter and in the field based
- Staff dealing with frequent confrontation from difficult clients (internal and external)
- Severe conflict in the working environment amongst individuals and teams
- Mediating threats of disciplinary action or calling in the unions
- Ongoing, unreasonable behaviour often resulting in heated discussions
- Teams working as a group of individuals rather than as a team
- Divided teams prone to complaining, gossiping and moaning
- Managers dealing with fractious teams divided by conflict
- Teams who have recently been through changes that have left a negative impact on relations and the overall team environment
- Managers dealing with difficult individuals who are keen to bring the wider team on board collaboratively and constructively
- Individuals prone to defensiveness who desire techniques to better manage their state in the work place environment
- Individuals dealing frequently with challenging team members, clients or customers who need ways to address issues and move forwards effectively
02Dealing with Upwards Bullying
The program covers, as a minimum (and pending a more in-depth needs-analysis):
- What does/does not constitute Bullying? And what is up-wards bullying?
- That employees have a right to a workplace free of bullying
- Boundaries of what’s inappropriate and what’s not, including language
- Persistence
- Professional Retribution
- Bystander Intervention
- Everyone is responsibile for a safe environment
- How to deal with complaints and how to complain
- A post-program assessment to demonstrate understanding and competence
The program will be customised to the organisations exact requirements, with contemporary examples relevant to the specific workplace with relevant scenarios.
03Neuroscience-based Emotional Intelligence
Our Emotional Intelligence programs are underpinned by practical neuroscience which not only gives people ‘the why’ it gives evidence-based strategies to improve ‘the how’. We combine the latest research & thinking with our deep experience to bring you Emotional Intelligence programs that get results.
Can Emotional Intelligence be learned? Yes - if people want to learn it, of course. We’ve transformed the Emotional Intelligence of leaders at all levels, including non-management staff and new managers through to senior Executives. Our customisable programs include different levels of group training; group, peer & individual coaching programs and Emotional Intelligence 360° & individual assessments. One-on-one Executive Coaching combined with our EQ 360° assessment tool is often recommended for senior leaders.
Everything is customised to your needs, even each individual group of participants. And of course additional, highly specialist elements can be added. Tell us what you come, we will build it! Ask us how:
Emotional Intelligence is now a critical leadership capability at all levels. The most effective & respected leaders in this ultra-competitive world have high levels of Emotional Intelligence: it’s a must for today’s successful leaders. A lack of it can quickly curtail a promising career, increase staff turnover & reduce productivity.
Your staff are your business. Take the people away & all you have is an empty office with a sign on the door/window. There is ample research indicating a robust correlation between high levels of Emotional Intelligence and improved performance and productivity.
Our neuroscience-based Emotional Intelligence programs are carefully designed to change on-the-ground behaviours in the workplace (and out of it!) to boost performance and fuel productivity as a result. And make for happier staff & leaders, in & out of the workplace.
Not only does Emotional Intelligence impact on your staff, it also impacts on your clients. Emotional Intelligence is critical to anyone in a client/customer service environment.
Our brain-based Emotional Intelligence (EQ) programs provide staff, managers and executives with practical tools to improve their EQ and their capabilities in leading and managing, as well as their understanding around themselves, their teams, decision making and improved resilience, to name a few.
Our take on Emotional Intelligence is that it’s all about the way you relate to, react & respond to, & the impact you have on others – from a completely holistic, 360-degree perspective. Whether you are a leader, peer, or a staff member, in an internal or external client-facing role, we build Emotional Intelligence to improve the practical ways people interact to create better teamwork & respectful, harmonious, happier & more engaging relationships with staff, colleagues, management & clients alike. And hence boost productivity & fuel performance.
Understanding how the brain can help manage and develop strategies to maximise our brain's
04Giving and Receiving Feedback (leaders and employees)
This program was internationally benchmarked by CEB Global (Global Corporate Leadership Council) and resulted in an increase of productivity of an average of 26% in the teams of managers who undertook the program².
Using applied Neuroscience and extremely practical communication tools, this popular Giving and Receiving Feedback Leadership Development program will transform your team’s communication and leadership practices.
Applicable to day-to-day, 360° communication as well as more formal performance development and performance management conversations, it will empower, enable, motivate & promote understanding at all levels.
Everything is customised to your needs, even each individual group of participants. And of course additional, highly specialist leadership training elements can be added. Tell us what you come, we will build it! Ask us how:
This program covers practical techniques to use in day-to-day communication as well as formal feedback and difficult conversations. The program is proven to improve productivity, performance and work satisfaction².
We take a holistic, 360° view that all parties - givers and the receivers - are responsible in the process of giving and receiving feedback. It’s just as important for leaders to listen & accept feedback as it is how they give it to the people who work with them.
The Giving and Receiving Feedback program has been customised to leaders at all levels, from new managers to top level executives. We’ve also had outstanding results when we’ve delivered tailored versions to non-management people across the organisation.
It’s proven to be applicable to managing up, down, and across the organisation as well influencing outside the organisation to customers & service providers - and in people’s home lives.
If you want to develop of a culture of mutual respect and understanding through continuous constructive feedback and communication, both on a day-to-day basis as well as in performance appraisals, then this is the program for you. Tell us what you come, we will build it! Ask us how:
2 351 leaders who undertook the program across Regional & Metropolitan areas were surveyed by CEB Global (the Global Corporate Leadership Council) 9-12 months after completion. The program was benchmarked against leadership programs across the world, including USA, UK, Europe, Australia, Asia, etc. The result was the leaders said that as a direct result of the Giving & Receiving Feedback program, their teams’ productivity improved by an average of 26%.
05Managing for Optimal Performance
This course emphasises how to create a positive, enabling, strengths-based team culture where people are recognised for a job well done and given practical support to develop, maintain and improve their performance when needed. This program will proactively reduce current and minimise future incidences of under-performance.
The course equips participants to lead their teams through a practice of extremely practical team empowerment and communication-based management. The course enables managers to set up a systematic yet very human and practical approach to having clear goals for team members and achieving clarity around expectations – thus diminishing the potential for conflict and proactively eliminating and preventing many of the factors that can lead to poor performance; and therefore boosting performance and optimizing and fueling a team’s productivity.
06Time Management and Effective Use of Email
This course is different! Trainers take participants through the theory, then on the same day go with participants back to their desks and assist them in an IT room as they go to make sure they actually implement the practical information that they are being taught right there and then.
“The Outlook training has been the best, most practical training I have ever received. It has totally reduced my feelings of being overwhelmed and has reduced “email stress” immensely. I can not thank you enough.” Manager, NSW FACS
This Time Management and Effective use of Email training course imparts best practice time management principles: immediately useable, very practical tools, tips, methods and frameworks that actually work in the real world and amazing short cuts and tips to use Outlook to its best practical advantage.
As a result of this course, staff will miss less deadlines, stress less, get more done and get back up to 1 hour+ per day to spend on the important tasks (or go home earlier!) – and get their inboxes down to ZERO unread emails!
This training doesn't just focus on emails - it shows people practical best-practice time management principles and applies them to the real world, using Outlook as a tool to facilitate real change.
Who can benefit?
This is for you and your team if you and/or your staff:
■ Feel stressed and overwhelmed by your workload and to-do list?
■ Would like to learn how to get your inbox to ZERO unread emails?
■ Would like to gain an hour back per day?
■ Work long hours? Or wondering where your day goes and what you did?
■ Miss deadlines, or are often doing things last minute?
■ Are frustrated at the lack of productivity?
■ Are feeling like emails always seem to take over? Hard to make time for you and your family?
■ Feel constantly reactive, hard to find time for important projects and proactive work?
“I have learnt so much from this course and feel so much more organised. The two facilitators were interesting and engaging, and I feel like I can breathe.”
Participant, Housing NSW
Program Outcomes:
■ Increased productivity through being more efficient and effective (do more with less)
■ Staff stress less - less likelihood of burnout and absence from work
■ Deadlines are more likely to be met
■ Get inboxes down to ZERO unread emails and sustain this ongoing
■ Better prioritisation and take more focused action
■ Increased accountability and awareness across the team if an entire team does it, this also promotes better teamwork and productivity
■ Positive impact on the client service and the bottom line as additional time is freed up for higher value projects, creativity and innovation
■ Increased collaboration and overall improved team dynamics as individuals feel in better control and in a more positive position to contribute beyond daily task management
■ Higher focus on execution with more focus on optimal results and return on investment
■ Reap the rewards of staff claiming an additional 1 hour time back
“liked the easy to use guide, simplicity, able to grasp contents and hands on training” Participant, Housing NSW
Like all of our programs this one can be tailored to the individual needs of every client and can include integration of internal workflow and customer relationship management software and systems e.g. TRIM
Every course also involves participants producing their own personal Action Plan using our Personal Improvement Grid.
07Assertiveness Training
We have all heard people say “You need to be more assertive!” But what exactly is assertiveness? Assertiveness is a communication style. It is being able to express your feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions in an open manner that doesn’t violate the rights of others. Other communication styles you may have heard of include being aggressive, which is a style that violates the rights of others, and being passive where we violate our own rights. You have probably also heard of passive-aggressive. This is where someone is essentially being aggressive but in a passive or indirect way. For example, someone may be angry but they don’t act in an overtly aggressive way by yelling or hitting, instead they may sulk or slam a door.
Assertiveness is a learned behaviour and thinking style. We are all born assertive. Think of a baby. Babies cry when they want something, they express emotion freely. Then gradually they adapt their behaviour to fit in with responses they receive from the environment, that is, responses they receive from family, peers, work mates, authority figures etc. For example, if your family or peer group dealt with conflict by yelling and arguing, then you may have learned to deal with conflict in that way. Or if your family taught you that you should always please others before yourself, then you may find it hard to be assertive about your needs. Or if your family or peer group believe that you shouldn’t express negative emotion, and ignore or ridicule you if you do, then you will quickly learn not to express negative emotion.
There are a number of assertiveness techniques. These include basic assertion, empathic assertion, consequence assertion, discrepancy assertion, the broken record technique, and negative feeling assertion.