Our Clients
We work with a huge variety of clients across Local, State and Federal Government to ASX Listed, large private companies and international parent organisations.
We offer you deep experience spanning the:
- Public Sector
- Private Sector and
- Not-for-Profit Sectors
We operate nationally (right across Australia) and also internationally. We’ll go anywhere you want us to! Seriously!
Our private sector clients are equally diverse in portfolio, from ASX listed conglomerates, to smaller privately owned companies. Our consultants have a range of insutry experience and knowledge, which if required, we can match to specialisties of the client. Our private sector clients include Software AG, Qantas, CBA, Westpac/BT Financial, Chubb Insurance and MyNetFone.
01Public Sector
We get you. We’re with you. We know Government. We first started working in NSW Government in 2006, so NSW Government is undoubtedly a core strength of ours*. However, we’ve also worked with the Public Sector at all levels of government from Local Councils** to State Government to Federal Government agencies right across Australia. And because we also understand the Private Sector, we can bring that thinking with us if you need it. You’re in safe hands with us.
Having worked with people from Chief Executive, Deputy Secretary and Executive Director level through Team Leaders and new managers right through to front-line staff we understand the subtle (and not so subtle!) nuances of the Public Sector such as:
- the ‘serving the people’ motivators
- the responsibility for effectively using tax-payers’ money
- the need for transparency
- different people motivators compared to the Private Sector
- massive ongoing change
- the need to innovate
- constant restructuring and reinvention
- the often hierarchical structure with its associated challenges
- the need for policy and managing risk
- the challenges of performance management
Have a look at our client list below to see some of our government clients that we’ve worked with.
*NSW Government Pre-qualification Scheme SMC-005
Full Qualification Status - NSW Government Prequalification Scheme: Performance & Management Services.
**NSW Local Government: ‘Stronger Councils’ Supplier Panel
NSW Local Government ‘Stronger Councils’ Amalgamation Preferred Supplier Panel Member.
Panel Registration Number LGR-05-165.
02Private Sector
We offer you extensive Private Sector experience. Our clients and consultant experience spans a huge range of large corporate organisations across most industry sectors throughout Australia.
Since we started in 2006, we’ve worked with ASX Top 100 Listed companies such as Origin, CBA, etc; ASX Listed fast-growing companies like MNF Group; internationally parented organisations like SoftwareAG and large private corporations like the Master Builders’ Association. We have the experience and the expertise.
Working with Not-for-Profit organisations is a passion. We’ve worked with a wide variety of clients including Mission Australia, Twenty10 and the GLCS, Specialist Homelessness Services, Northern Beaches Business Education Network, Big Fat Smile, etc.
We do our best to balance our business with assisting not-for-profit partners. Of course, the reality is we are a for-profit business, so unfortunately, as much as we really do want to, we simply can’t work with every not-for-profit.
However, where an organisation aligns with our people’s community passions and values, we always help where we can. Most often that means doing work at cost price. We can’t always promise to assist, but we can promise to listen and we’re always open to an honest and open conversation and see where we go from there. Give us a call.