Simon Smith, our CEO, was awarded Coach of the Year 2013 by the International Coach Federation Australia - that gives you an indication of the quality of our 29 coaches. We have successfully delivered tens of thousands of hours of bespoke coaching from C-level Executives to new managers in the Public Sector & Private Enterprise, including ASX and other Listed companies. We have proven experience from individual coaching programs to multi-faceted, multi-person, team and group programs in large Private and Public Sector organisations across metropolitan and country regions.

Our 29 expert coaches and consultants have successfully delivered tens of thousands of hours of bespoke coaching, from individual Executive Coaching programs to large multi-faceted programs.

We have a unique Coach/ Coachee Matching Matrix (TM, patent pending) for matching coaches to coachees - we've never got a coach/ coachee match wrong since we started in 2006. As a result, we get the best outcomes.

Our Coaching Process is second to none. Our focus on getting clear on the required outcomes & measures of success, working with the organisation & coachee to define objectives & measures of success before the coaching starts. Combine that with getting the right coach - every time - means our expert coaches get results. All our Executive Coaching is, of course, bespoke

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01Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching

Our Executive Coaching programs have been successfully applied to high performing individuals, assisting executives settling into a new role or promotion, assistance in career development, leadership and team development coaching to performance coaching, etc. We do a lot of Executive Coaching combined with neuroscience and Emotional Intelligence or Leadership 360-degree assessments.

We are, of course, coaches and not miracle workers! Executive Coaching can only work when an individual is engaged in the process and is willing to apply the strategies and actions agreed with the coach – “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”. That said, SCC&D has had many successes with executives who have had coaching allocated as part of a compulsory development action plan/performance improvement/development.

We have coached managers and leaders in the Public & Private Sectors, in both rural and metropolitan areas nationwide. From new managers, team leaders and supervisors to senior SES and C-Suite/CEO and equivalent.

Every Executive Coaching program is uniquely tailored to each individual coachee.

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02Emotional Intelligence Coaching

Emotional Intelligence Coaching

The rules have changed. Well, actually the rules haven’t necessarily changed – Emotional Intelligence has always been important, and Emotionally Intelligent leaders have invariably got the better results and had happier staff.

These days though, Emotional Intelligence is an even more important component of leadership, sales and relationships than it ever was. In today’s ultra competitive world with its ever increasing expectations on performance, whether you are in small or large business, Private or Public Sector, Emotional Intelligence is a prerequisite and a key foundation stone for today’s leaders, business people and sales staff.

Emotional Intelligence (or lack of it) can ultimately make (or break) your career or business.

The Hay Group states in one study of 44 Fortune 500 companies found that salespeople with high Emotional Intelligence produced twice the revenue of those with average or below average scores. In another study, technical programmers demonstrating the top 10 percent of emotional intelligence competency were developing software three times faster than those with lower competency

It’s not just about getting the message across, it’s about how you get the message across that’s most important. If you get people on-side, they’re more likely to work with you, perform, and give 100% than if they feel their noses have been put a little (or a lot!) out of joint.

Your staff are your business. Take the people away and all you have is an empty office with a sign on the door. It doesn’t matter if you are a manager in the Private Sector or Public Sector, or a business owner, the same rules apply.

Building better leadership skills are critical. For most businesses, especially small businesses, losing a staff member can be crippling, not to mention the IP and knowledge that disappears.

Not only does Emotional Intelligence impact on your staff, it also impacts on your clients. Emotional Intelligence is critical to anyone in a client service environment – from business owners to business development & sales people, to leaders & managers in a massive organisation to an accounts team or person who has internal people as their clients.

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03Leadership Coaching

Leadership Coaching

Leadership Coaching (also available as a training program) will enhance participants' management skills, and enable them to assist staff in fulfilling their potential. It will deliver participants with coaching skills and a framework that will help to improve work performance and staff development.

The programs provides tools for managers to have difficult or meaningful conversations with employees. This will give both managers and employees a sense of empowerment, which will enhance team development and productivity.

Additionally we can offer performance management coaching on an individual basis, which will assist managers to improve their management skills.

This coaching expands participants’ management skills and enables them to help staff fulfill their potential. This coaching teaches the skills of coaching to improve work performance. It provides a framework on how to effectively manage team performance, to assist the career advancement of staff and to hold meaningful coaching conversations in order to improve work performance and productivity.

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04Executive Coaching and Leadership Helpline

ad-hoc Support Coaching

SCC&D has set up an innovative Executive Coaching and Leadership ‘Helpline’ for leaders and managers at all levels. New and junior leaders, to senior and C-suite executives, can call and speak to an expert Executive Coach regarding a particular issue.

They will get valuable, on-the-fly advice and support about a particular challenge that they need assistance with.

With over 100,000+ hours of training experience we know that leaders and managers at all levels, sometimes simply need expert counsel, support, or guidance, rather than a full Executive Coaching program.

Having another perspective can help managers find a solution to the difficult situation or conversation at hand, or successfully address a challenging upwards management issue.

Sometimes leaders may want to bounce around some ideas with an independent and non-judgemental expert.

  • Our ‘Leadership Helpline’ (Leadership EAP type model) can provide assistance with
  • Expert counsel
  • Support or guidance
  • Laser-focused advice
  • Reassurance
  • Someone neutral to bounce off some ideas
  • Ideas on how to handle difficult conversations with your manager, peer or team member
  • Accountability discussions

In an increasingly busy and competitive environment leadership is becoming a lonelier place particularly when individuals climb higher up the organisational ladder. It is not uncommon for managers to avoid asking their peers or bosses for advice for fear of appearing incapable.

When you’re potentially competing with your peers for recognition and promotion, asking for advice and help can unfortunately be perceived as a weakness. Even though we often read that even the best leaders openly admit that they don’t know it all, neuroscience demonstrates that our human survival instincts make it difficult for people to show vulnerability.

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05Brain-Based Coaching Conversations

Based Coaching Conversations

Our Brain-based Coaching Conversations for Managers program uses applied neuroscience to provide staff at all levels in the organisation with scientific, practical, evidence-based strategies to significantly improve their coaching, communication and management skills.

It is particularly useful in understanding coaching capabilities in leading people and leading self and others through change, improved decision making and in better communication. All of which lead to better performance for the people, the organisation and the people the organisation serves.

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Organisational Development Consulting & Planning

We use Psychometric Assessments that are practical, easy to understand, and that translate into real life to get real results. We like the US Navy's KISS principle 'Keep It Simple, Stupid'.

We offer supporting coaching for all our assessments. Many people can be challenged by their results, particularly 360° assessments and need help translating the awareness the assessment has given them into day to day action to deliver lasting change in the workplace.

We use a vast array of assessments & psychometric tools. We run the GeneSys system (second largest provider in Australia, largest in the UK, SA & NZ) internally & have over 45 personality & other assessments at our disposal.

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07Ad-Hoc Support Coaching

Organisational Development Consulting & Planning

We often recommend additional individual Coaching sessions following a training course. This is to allow managers time to apply the information learnt in the training, and then seek specialist targeted assistance where needed.

This supportive coaching is proven to further embed the practical application of learning from the training program into the real-world workplace, and aligns with the 70:20:10 principle.

People can use the coaching to get specific, personally tailored advice concerning a particular individual, a difficult workplace situation, challenging personal circumstance for example.

Participants are coached by a very experienced Executive Coach who will help them apply the learning to deal with a very wide range of realtive challenges.

As an additional benefit, the coach can often also help them with challenges outside the remit of the training (coaches have deep experience across most workplace challenges).

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